Monday, August 30, 2010

What do I do with this ?!

I had a dilemma. I went to the farmer's market over the weekend and bought zucchini/squash. I got it home and was excited to eat but then I thought, "What the $%&^! am I going to do with this?" I was hungry so after surveying the kitchen for some ideas, I remembered I had two lemons from my last grocery store run so I decided to experiment. According to the roommates, this was a success!

Zesty Zucchini (nice alliteration, huh?)

What you'll need:

Sautee pan
Wooden spoon
Cutting board


Two medium sized zucchini/squash
1 clove of garlic
2 lemons
1 tbsp olive oil
a palm-ful of water (like you were going to drink out of your hand)

How to:

1. Mince (make tiny pieces) the garlic and slice the zucchini into 1/4in. slices.

2. Add the olive oil to the sautee pan and add the garlic. Turn the stove to MED (5-6) heat. Add in the zucchini.

3. While that heats up, cut one lemon in half. Take one of those halves and slide that in to 1/2in. slices or chunks. Throw that in the sautee pan, peel/rind and all!

4. Wait a little while (I made the next recipe while I waited for these to get goin') and then squeeze the unsliced half of the lemon all over the stuff in the sautee pan.

5. Add the palm-ful of water.

6. Stir this around on and off for 10 minutes or so.

7. After that, the zucchini slices should start to turn colors (darker green) and become floppy. This is good! Cute the next lemon in half and do the same as you did before--slice/chunk half and squeeze the other half.

8. Once the majority of zucchini has become pretty floppy, take the pan off of the heated burner, put in to a bowl or on a plate and eat!

Behind the scenes with zesty zucchini!

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